While the pwogs mindlessly coo and chirup about their murderous God-Emperor's latest speech, Howard Zinn left this veil of tears last night. Requiescat in pace.
“We need to decide that we will not go to war, whatever reason is conjured up by the politicians or the media, because war in our time is always indiscriminate, a war against innocents, a war against children”(Update: Alas, a Pwog posts about Zinn's advocacy of collective resistance - which is quite odd as none of these demotard jellyfish would recognize resistance if it set their dumpster on fire.)
~Howard Zinn
(Update: In-between 'look-at-the-wingnut" posts, Diggy has a little footage of Zinn talking about Obama's bank giveaways. Check out the comments for some hi-larious attempts at claiming the poor guy for the demotard party.)
(Update: Holy crap! Shakes-the-Democrat actually pulled her head out of her ass long enough to cut 'n paste an obit. Honest injun! It's between a sub-moronic cartoon she "draws" and some TV show trivia shit.)