Thursday, November 11, 2010

The End of the World as We Know It

(Lord of the Rings 4 - Return of the Pwogs)

Apres election, Diggy has been in full-blown-gonzo butthurt meltdown mode. Yet, while mourning the losses of her filthy warmongering corporate-owned party, the Democrat Drahma Queen is also listening to more right wing media than the average John Bircher. 'Why would anyone torture herself like that?' I hear you ask. 'Easy.' You hear me answer. Diggy's breathlessly waiting to hear Sarah Palin order her minions to go forth and wipe out liberals Rwanda-style:
"But this daily ranting about the evil of liberalism and the inhumanity of liberals seems to finally be reaching some sort of critical mass in which those on the right who hear nothing but this sort of raving all day long have come to believe that liberals -- not liberalism -- must be eliminated."

Of course, Diggy goes on to mitigate her hysterical (-ly funneh!) statement in the next sentence. (Like most passive-aggressive pwogs, Diggy doesn't actually mean anything she writes because that would be too much like making a stand.) Yet here she is, trying to sell visions of Beckian hoards storming out of the flyover states to besiege the gates of her gated California community Minas Tirith-style.

Is Diggy tuning in to assclowns like Limbaugh and Beck on an hourly basis to somehow deaden the agony of defeat? Is she already trying to scare her fauxgressive followers into action for 2012? Your guess is as good as mine.


  1. a'skeered by a few elephants, she is. a'skeered, I'm a'fear'd.

    Ya gotta love her complete sycophancy. It's a regular role-modeling she's doing. Honorable, I mean. Completely. 'Cause it's more important to be loyal than to be informed, than to be skeptical, than to be detached. Loyalty to the cause! Present arms...errr, ahhh... keystrokes!

  2. Beyond the PwoggiedomeNovember 11, 2010 at 1:42 PM

    Digby's big thing I notice is to feign incomprehension when Obama says that "entitlements" must be on the table. Like she can't believe this is what he means. What will she say when and if he does cut Soc Sec? How can she spin it? And when she does spin, people in the comments call her on it and her supporters say that she's critical of Obama. Yet whenever an elections rolls around, she calls names if people feel like the 2 parties are pretty much the same.

    I guess what I am saying is that Digby is kinda disingenuous.

  3. It's the end of the world as we know it --
    and I feel fine!

    Sorry, couldn't resist.

  4. Obfuscation is usually Diggy's first tactic. Probably she'll say her God-Emperor was forced to cut SS because of evil rethuglican machinations or Karl Rove or sunspots or some such nonsense. It doesn't have to be true or even make sense. It just has to be plausible enough to give her faugressive fans something to latch on to.

  5. "Beckian hoards"

    Ha ha...

    Haaa haaa haaaaa haaaa

    Muaaa haaaa haaa haaaaa ahhhhh haha ahhh....

    Anyone who is afeared of Beck and his followers is probably still looking for the boogie man under their bed every night.


  6. Diggykins and her worshippers really are into the idea of dying on the baricades. So glamourous and exciting, so long as it's somebody else doing the dying on their behalf.

    So I guess that makes her the pwog version of the once-infamous GOP "chickenhawks," huh?

    OTOH, fears that are (you should excuse the expression) "reality-based," just don't even count, do they? For example: my well-founded fear that President Hope and his good bipartisan buddies and their "healthcare reform" have assured that I'm going to die homeless and bankrupt and prematurely of a totally treatable illness. Nope. La la la. That's so totally not important. A few gun-toting Rightie goofballs. THAT'S important.

  7. Beyond the PwoggiedomeNovember 12, 2010 at 10:55 AM

    Digby's imperiousness is what makes me dislike her the most. She has that "font of knowledge" grift going full blast. That's maybe why she identfies with Oilbummer, because he exhibits that same detestable character trait.

    There are so many intelligent (and caring) people on the Left--yet we are stuck with these dingbat shills to represent us. Common sense is at a premium it seems with mainstream lib-bloggers.

  8. Fear-mongering is serious business; hyperventilating liberals online may not bring in the big bucks direct mail did to Young Americans for Freedom alumni, but posting photos of Nazi, Klan and Tea Party rallies pays the bills. Of course, public benefits, civil liberties and human rights are under assault, but as you note, it's a bipartisan attack.

  9. ms_xeno sez:
    Diggykins and her worshippers really are into the idea of dying on the baricades. So glamourous and exciting, so long as it's somebody else doing the dying on their behalf...

    Yeah, I was just going to say... the Liberals and Pwogwessives are all totally into that romantic image of hitting the barricades until they realize how messy and dangerous it can get.

    It especially saddens me when I think of the upcoming "austerity" vis-a-vis retirement benefits and the raising of the retirement age, and how people are reacting to it in France and the UK; no doubt the reaction of Americans will be suitably lame. The SEIU or PDA or one of that bunch will sponsor a couple of big lame rallies, followed by big lame marches in a circle around Capitol Hill or downtown DC which will have no effect at all because it'll be on a goddamn' Saturday afternoon, when nobody's around to see it. Spit. Where's that ol' Spirit Of Seattle when we need it?

    Smithee sez:
    Is Diggy tuning in to assclowns like Limbaugh and Beck on an hourly basis to somehow deaden the agony of defeat? Is she already trying to scare her fauxgressive followers into action for 2012? Your guess is as good as mine...

    I'm guessing Digby is totally into Keeping Fear Alive. It's all they've got left now, and has been since 2000. They can't campaign on their record because their record sucks ass, so the only other thing they can do is try and keep their "base" perpetually pants-pissing scared. I noticed long ago that the Democratic Party and their hangers-on are like a microcosm of the USA at large, in that the people in charge use a fear of The Other (subsitute The Eeeeevil Rethuglicans for Osama Bin Laden) to keep the proles in line.

    Spartacus O'Neal sez:
    ...hyperventilating liberals online may not bring in the big bucks direct mail did to Young Americans for Freedom alumni, but posting photos of Nazi, Klan and Tea Party rallies pays the bills. Of course, public benefits, civil liberties and human rights are under assault, but as you note, it's a bipartisan attack.

    A big Amen to that, man. See also "bipartisanship" here, and also here.

  10. "Why would anyone torture herself like that?"

    Well, not to defend Digby or anything, but I wouldn't be able to do any decent cartoons at all if I didn't spend a certain amount of time every week subjecting myself to at least a certain amount of Olbermann, Maddow, Jon Stewart, Meet The Press and Morning Joe. I like to think of it as suffering through that shit so you don't have to.

    Morning Joe has to be the worst of the lot, though -- not just because of Joe Scarborough and his table full of bobbing-head-doll sycophants agreeing with everything he says, but because it's usually the first thing I see on TV in the morning. By the time I wake up around 7 or 7:30, my wife's already been awake for nearly an hour and has had Morning Joe on from the top of the show, so that goddamn' pug-ugly blowhard is the first thing that hits my brain as I emerge from REM phase into full consciousness -- and it ain't pretty, I can tell ya'.

    I've gotten some of my best cartoon ideas from some of the wretched-ass Scarborough blustering I hear when I'm barely awake at that hour -- often before I've even managed to sit up and put my feet on the floor -- but I end up paying a price for it; the inspirations are amazing* -- but my head is totally fucked up for the rest of the day, pretty much.


    *I got the idea for Why Don't You Two Get A Room? at around a quarter to seven one morning about a week ago, just barely conscious while some Newsweek hack on Morning Joe was babbling about how the Democrats need to move more to the center if they want to win the next election, and Scarborough was blaring about how this is "a center-right nation". I was an emotional wreck for the rest of the day -- inspired, but a fucking wreck.

  11. BtP:

    ...There are so many intelligent (and caring) people on the Left--yet we are stuck with these dingbat shills to represent us...

    Sometimes I wonder about the "intelligent and caring" part. I see the local variety of pwog twist himself or herself into knots to justify whatever fresh outrage Obama wants to shove down everyone's throats. They can be remarkably nasty to anyone who doesn't do The Twist.

    Yet they'd see through it quick enough if Bush peddled the same outrages. I just don't understand what makes it so hard for these people to wake the hell up. :( Unless they really are just as shallow and self-absorbed as their supposed enemies in the Tea Party. Only in a more refined, educated way. (And with more iPods.)

  12. ms_xeno sez:
    ...I see the local variety of pwog twist himself or herself into knots to justify whatever fresh outrage Obama wants to shove down everyone's throats. They can be remarkably nasty to anyone who doesn't do The Twist.

    I dare say that Obama's 2012 campaign song will be Chubby Checker's Let's Twist Again (Like We Did Last Summer).

    Good point about the Civility™ thing, too. Funny how nasty they can get when you call bullshit on them, even though they're the ones who whine the loudest about the lack of Civility™ in current-day political discourse.

    Yet they'd see through it quick enough if Bush peddled the same outrages...

    You're reading my mind... either that, or you've copped a look at this.

    ...I just don't understand what makes it so hard for these people to wake the hell up. :( Unless they really are just as shallow and self-absorbed as their supposed enemies in the Tea Party...

    Yeah, you've pretty much nailed it. They're basically a Liberal version of Teabaggers -- ignorant, gullible, misinformed, disinformed, living in a dream, incapable of respecting any worldview but their own.

    It's not that it's hard for them to wake up, it's that they don't want to wake up. Waking up and realizing they've been played and taking a chance and doing something about it is too much work for them; plus, they run the risk of their heads exploding. I mean, think of how many of them there are; would you want to have to clean up that mess?

  13. Mike F., dude, you have no idea how tempted I was to post that damn cartoon and link over in one of the comms at LJ-- where the Portland Pwog™ Still Comes To Play (Even Though It's Not Facebook™).

    But since I have to go to work most days, I wouldn't be available to savor the ensuing fireworks as they should be savored. So I decided not to. Please forgive me.

  14. do we already know where they're building the gas chambers?

  15. Mike, couldn't agree more. Morning Joe is utterly unwatchable. Mika's Den Mother schitck shilling for Starbucks, cooing at Scarcborough simply nauseating.
