Monday, September 14, 2009

You are cordially not invited...

The natives must be restless. Paul Rosenberg, one of the careerist democratic party apparatchik wannabes over at Obot Left, has penned a mighty defense of our corrupt "two party" electoral system. What it breaks down to, of course, is the usual hippie punching, rose garden promising and condescending crackpot realism that issues every now and then from fauxgressive bloggers worried about their invite to next years DP sponsored Nutroots Nation event.

Certainly Paul would want us to quit working on IRV, have all the people we've gotten on school boards and city councils quit, and disband entirely to make room for his oh-so-progressive merit school time servers. But I won't bore you with a take down of this mealy-mouthed inanity, especially since commenters here and here already did it for me. Instead, let me extend an anti-invitation on the behalf of all social and political movements in the US to Rosenberg and the rest of his do-nothing demotard friends.

Paul, Adam, Chris, et al. Please. STAY THE FUCK AWAY.

Thank you.

(Update: "Useful idiots! Stooges!" While desperately trying to stamp out the flames in his comments section, gatekeeper-wannabe Rosenberg loses it completely, spewing a-historical bullshit in ever more frenzied circuits. Hi-larious!)


  1. I don't get Rosenberg's assertion that he is, himself, an "outside influence." Does he mean that so long as he either doesn't make money off his "activism", or if he does make money but the Democratic Party doesn't officially sign the check, he's really an "outsider"?

    I mean, I guess I could go look up the schmuck's credentials to try and find out for sure, but I'm out of aspirin.

    -- ms_xeno

  2. I suspect Rosenberg is under the impression that so long as he can maintain the appearance of integrity - then it's near enough the same as actually having integrity. It's like being a little bit pregnant or a little bit dead.

  3. His integrity is definitely not on display in the responses you've linked to. That's for sure. His accusation that Mike K. is somehow engaging in more "black and white" thinking than either he or his charming buddy "House of Progress"... uh... :/

    I'm beginning to think that comparing these people to obsessive sports fans is a cruel insult to obsessive sports fans.

  4. At least obsessive sports fans have the good grace to paint themselves blue or wear fake rubber cheese wedges on their heads (which is better than wearing real cheese wedges, I suppose.) Pwogs and freepers walk around looking like normal people for the most part. They ought to at least have 'SOLD' stamped on their foreheads.

    Or better yet, 'VACANT'.

  5. The pwog energy expenditure makes more sense when I think of their political activity as a loss leader for a dotcom that's forever on the brink of issuing a robust clarification of a press release that was, regrettably, prematurely released in anticipation of further developments that would or will, given a bit more time, produce a robustifistic clarificatory verbal emulsion on the status of a beta-related product that may revolutionize the timely expediting of... press releases.

    -- Al

  6. robustifistic clarificatory verbal emulsion

    This single phrase is pure, unadulterated genius. I am in awe. Srsly.

  7. ...better than wearing real cheese wedges, I suppose...

    Well, that would depend on what kind of cheese we're talking about, wouldn't it?

    ...I am in awe. Srsly.

    Yes, we all are.

    Really, though, I commend the strong stomachs and resilient minds here at DGH, I can't read that shit anymore. As soon as one of these clowns starts lecturing about how "it's a two-party system, peon, blah blah blah" my mind just plain skips out. Ten minutes later, my body follows it to the kitchen in search of cold beer and remaindered superhero comics.

    Sorry, Fellas. I'm not a young pup like I used to be. I just can't take it anymore. :(

    -- ms_xeno

  8. That's why we're here, Ms X. All DGH readers have their brains undergo a special "Gephardtization" process, allowing us to withstand prolonged exposure to toxic pwoggie propaganda without risking nausea, eye-bleeding, kidney stones, shingles, yellow tongue and other effects. That way, we can scan the pwoggie doggie bloggies for choice bits of idiocy and bring them back with little-to-no risk.

    However, the process does have a few side effects - intense sarcasm and a tendency towards alliteration being to two major ones.

  9. The hysterics of the party loyalty vigilante pwogs offer some occasionally satisfying if mean-spirited entertainment.

    They put a lot of effort into the freebie perception management they produce. There'll be a negative return on energy invested for all but a miniscule elite. The rest must make do with rubber chicken sandwiches at pricey, pay-to-play schmooze-fests and insincere promises to exchange social capital. Their picayune interpersonal treacheries and "futurist" Critical Theory affectations guarantee them a miserable future, filled with a bewildered nostalgia that's qualitatively the same as the wingnut nostalgia for 50s, with the wingnut comfort of meaningless scrambles for status. All it would take to break the cycle is a tiny epiphany, "we're being exploited!", and nothing is more out of reach. They'll savage anyone in the ranks who draws the logical conclusion.

    -- Al

  10. Are the Rosenbergs and Digbys and the rest seriously referring to themselves as "Futurists," too, nowadays?


    Because that would be a whole new level of sad-- even beyond their misguided use of "reframing," "Overton windows," and so forth...

    -- ms_xeno

  11. Oh yeah! Since the election of the God-Emperor, the pwogs have moved into whole new worlds of intarweb delusion. Any gutless bootlick with a Dkos account is calling him/herself a "progressive activist" these days.

  12. I don't think most of them call themselves "futurists", but I do think they've earned the opprobrium that goes with the title.

    On the other hand, every big audience pwog takes a stab at the cranky Theory stuff -- the scholastic style, without any scholarly substance. Identity this, identity that; mind-reading hooey, all of it.

  13. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with this. Maybe it's this graying hair and an irresistible urge to garden. But I take a look at a couple of months of Skookum's archives. There's the investigative structural analysis. Red and green, backed solidly. Living things can be safe there. It's intellectual, without the intellectualism.

    Then I take a look at the glossolalia of the think tank wannabes, and I wonder if I've somehow been shifted into a dimension where the co-evolutionary apes suicided in disgust and despair.

  14. Progressives by definition believe in futurism, but only the cream of the netroots crop (like Sara Robinson) get to hold the title Futurist. In this, she's sort of like that other famous Sara from that chillin' cult in Wasilla.

  15. OMG, the futurists are in the news, again!
